Deutsch Intern
Anglistik und Amerikanistik

Guest lecture by Steffen Wöll: “Illuminating Race, Class, and Gender: The Cultural Dynamics of Mugshots and Passport Photography”

Date: 06/22/2022, 10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Category: Startseite
Location: Hubland Süd, Geb. Z6 (Zentrales Hörsaal- u. Seminargebäude), 1.003
Organizer: Lehrstuhl für Amerikanistik
Photo: Ron Marzok

Steffen Wöll is a postdoctoral fellow at Leipzig University’s collaborative research center 1199 “Processes of Spatialization under the Global Condition.” He has published on various and intersectional topics in American Studies, including spatial imaginations, border studies, naturalism, postmodernism, literary theory, as well as film and horror studies. Wöll is the author of The West and the Word: Imagining, Formatting, and Ordering the American West in Nineteenth-Century Cultural Discourse (2020). He is co-founder of the European Network for Minor Mobilities in the Americas (ENMMA) that brings together European scholars in the fields of transnational, border, and mobility studies. His current project investigates transoceanic dynamics of US imperial and literary discourses.
