Deutsch Intern
Anglistik und Amerikanistik

Zeno Ackermann (Würzburg): Striped Pyjamas: The Second World War and the Holocaust in Young Adult Fiction

Striped Pyjamas: The Second World War and the Holocaust in Young Adult Fiction
Date: 06/17/2019, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Category: Startseite
Location: Hubland Süd, Geb. PH1 (Philosophiegebäude), Hörsaal 7
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Eisenmann / Prof. Dr. Gersdorf
Speaker: Zeno Ackermann (Würzburg)

Lecture Series "Reading in the Classroom, Learning for the World"

Zeno Ackermann is Professor of British Cultural Studies at Würzburg. His research focuses on correlations between poetics and ideology, on the reverberations of war, on the position of the novel vis-à-vis audiovisual mass media and on the concept of articulation. His monograph Gedächtnis-Fiktionen: Mediale Erinnerungsfiguren und literarischer Eigensinn in britischen Romanen zum Zweiten Weltkrieg (2015) investigates the influence of war-time mobilization and mediatization on the aesthetics of the British novel since 1942. With Sabine Schülting (FU Berlin) he has recently published a monograph entitled Precarious Figurations: Shylock on the German Stage, 1920–2010 (2019).
