Deutsch Intern
English Teaching Methodology

Dissertations & Habilitations

"Global and inter/transcultural learning through narratives of the refugee crisis" - Dr. Claudia Deetjen read more

"Destroying things is much easier than making them' – Ecological Re-Readings of Contemporary Young Adult Dystopian Fiction and their Potential for English Language Learning" - Dr. Christian Ludwig read more

"'The Odds Are Never in Our Favor’: Constructions of Adolescence in Contemporary Young Adult Dystopian Fiction and Its Potential for the EFL Classroom" - Nadine Krüger read more 

"Typically British?! A diachronic - imagological analysis of British national stereotypes in English textbooks of the 20th and 21th century." - Jennifer Meier read more


"Teaching English 2.0: Status quo and conceptualization of digital English lessons"- Jeanine Steinbock  read more

"Kulturwissenschaftliche Analyse der nationalen Stereotype im deutsch-britischen Verhältnis zur Zeit der Berlin-Krise 1958-62. Eine imagologische Untersuchung von Diskursen in Printmedien" - Dorothea Merk

 "Der Lesezirkel als Weg zur Lernerautonomie. Literatur kooperativ erfahren" -  Katarina Nestorovic  read more

"Die politische Dimension als Lerngegenstand in Lehrwerken für den Englischunterricht" - Janina Kuhn