8. TEFL Day 2024: "Artificial Intelligence in Foreign Language Teaching"
During the last years Artificial Intelligence started playing a major role in our everyday life. While often faced with controversy, the upcoming TEFL-Day aims to broaden our understanding of Artificial Intelligence, its various applications, and the resulting opportunities and limitations for foreign language education.
We are happy to welcome Prof. Dr. Thomas Strasser from Vienna (Pädagogische Hochschule) as speaker at our TEFL Day 2024!
What are the methodological and ethical implications of Artificial Intelligences in language learning and teaching (TEFL)?
Thomas Strasser will provide an overview of how AI-based systems can be used in the EFL classroom and how AI can initiate interactive learning pathways for the autonomous language learner.
A number of AI systems will be presented (including DeepL, ChatGPT, and Midjourney) and discussed within the context of learner agency and prompt engineering.
Furthermore, the most recent research in the field of AI and language learning will be presented to briefly discuss the following questions:
· What are the possibilities and limitations of AI in language teaching?
· What’s the role of the language teacher within the context of AI?
· How will grading and assessment be changed due to AI?
· How can tasks be improved through intelligent error analysis, intelligent feedback, and scaffolding?
· How can AI support language teacher feedback?
Dr. Claudia Mustroph from the LMU in Munich and our collegue Jeanine Steinbock will offer a workshop on the use of AI in the EFL classroom!
This workshop aims to give EFL teachers an insight into the possibilities and limits of artificial intelligence for English teaching and learning.
The activities are based on the outcomes of a survey conducted amongst TEFL students from the LMU München & JMU Würzburg in the summer of 2023.
Participating teachers will be introduced to the students’ perceptions of artificial intelligence in general and ChatGPT in specific in terms of materials and teaching ideas for the ELF classroom. Furthermore, this workshop will allow participants to explore different AI tools for English teaching and learning and to draft ideas for implementing these tools into their teaching.
StD Friedrich Frenzel (Olympia-Morata-Gymnasium Schweinfurt, Englischseminarlehrer) will discuss AI at English seminar schools!
The topic of this workshop is an inventory of the uses of AI in the current day-to-day running of an English seminar school. After a brief introduction to the official requirements for seminar teachers and trainee teachers with regard to digitalisation in general, the participants of the workshop will deal with AI applications and the associated processes and products that make it possible to pursue certain teaching goals in a more tailored, individualised manner and thus possibly more effectively.
AI is used as a tool to generate precisely targeted texts for lessons and assessments in written or auditory form, to make lessons and oral assessments more effective through customised visualization, to improve self-written texts (qualified feedback), to improve oral skills (pronunciation, conversation skills), to make listening comprehension more efficient, to design presentations and papers, to create academic texts (W-Seminar paper), to improve text and media skills (language mediation, register, tone, stylistic devices) and for correction.