Deutsch Intern
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English Linguistics


Regina GRUND

Research Fellow

Office Phone and Email

Room: 5.U.11
Phone: +49 931 31-87765

Office hours during the winter semester 2024/25

  • Wednesdays, 14-15

Office hours during the winter break 2025

  • Wednesday, 19.2., 14-15
  • Wednesday, 26.2., 14-15
  • Tuesday, 11.3., 10-12 (Fachbereichssprechstunde)


Research Interests

Second language acquisition, crosslinguistic influence, grammar learning, learning with digital media


Current Research

PhD project (working title): Data-driven grammar learning: Learner attitudes, effectiveness, practical implications for future development

University of Bamberg

  • Introduction to English Language Teaching and Learning (Seminar)
  • Going Digital with Texts and Grammar in ELT (Seminar)
  • Academic Writing in TEFL (Übung)
  • TEFL Intro Goes Digital (Übung)

University of Würzburg

  • Tutorium zum Einführungskurs “Introduction to English Linguistics“
  • Tutorium Englische Sprachwissenschaft
  • Morphology (Seminar)
  • Syntax (Seminar)
  • Portfolios and Term Papers in English Linguistics (Übung)
  • English as a Foreign Language (Seminar)
  • Contrastive Grammar (Seminar)
  • Register and Genre (Seminar)

University of Würzburg, 2020:

  • Teacher’s Degree (1. Staatsexamen) in English and French
  • Bachelor of Arts: English & French

Grund, R., & Kabak, B. (2024). Taking cognizance of variation and CLI effects in foreign language learning: The case of the English present perfect. In H. Härtl & K. Zaychenko (Eds.), Grammatical categories in linguistics and education (pp. 251-271). De Gruyter Mouton.

Grund, R., & Zirkel, M. (2023). TaskCards im Englischunterricht: Sprachbewusstheit mit Fokus auf Diversität fördern. Englisch 5-10, 63. 38-39.

Grund, R., Schneider, P., & Gärtig-Daugs, A. (2023). Die digitalen Lehr-Lern-Labore der Universität Bamberg als Bindeglied zwischen Theorie, Praxis und Forschung. In M. Meier, G. Greefrath, M. Hammann, R. Wodzinski & K. Ziepprecht (Eds.), Lehr-Lern-Labore und Digitalisierung (pp. 161-165). Springer Fachmedien.

Grund, R., Gründel, L., & Swallow, N. (2022). Reflective practice for primary English teachers: A qualitative analysis of expert interviews. In T. Summer & H. Böttger (Eds.), English in primary education: Concepts, research, practice (pp. 191-212). University of Bamberg Press.

Grund, R., & Zirkel, M. (2022). Leseverstehen mithilfe von song lyrics überprüfen: Grundlegende Überlegungen, Aufgabenformate und ein Beispieltest zum Song Hero of War der Band Rise Against. Englisch 5-10, 58. 30-32.

Grund, R., & Summer, T. (2022). The unsung heroes of the world: Anhand des Songs Superheroes über Heldinnen und Helden des Alltags reflektieren und sprechen. Englisch 5-10, 58. 34-35.

Exploring online conversations on popular culture: Twitter data from New York City (Talk). Geolingual Studies (GLS): A New Research Direction, University of Würzburg. 26.-28.09.2023.

Priming structural similarity in L1-L2 interactions: The use of Present Perfect vs. Simple Past by German learners of English (Poster). EuroSLA32, University of Birmingham (with Barış Kabak). 30.08.-02.09.2023.

We’ll study grammar: L1 German influence on English future time reference (Talk). IAWE25, Stony Brook University. 15.-17.06.2023.

Songs in ELT: A survey on university students‘ beliefs and their experiences in English lessons (Talk). Anglistentag 2022, University of Mainz (with Theresa Summer & Michelle Zirkel). 02.-05.09.2022.

Learning the present perfect and simple past through edu-apps (Talk). IATEFL 55th International Conference & Exhibition, Belfast. 17.-20.05.2022.

Learning the English present perfect: Nature and extent of L1 German influence (Talk). Modern Linguistics and Language Didactics (LiDi) 2022, University of Kassel (with Barış Kabak). 28.-29.04.2022.

Autonomous grammar learning: Future time reference in German and English (Talk). Nachwuchstagung für Englische Linguistik (NEL-3), University of Würzburg. 22.02.2021.