Deutsch Intern

Administration and Academic Service

Sabrina Hüttner, M. A.

10/2011-2014: appointed member of the "Exkursionsmittelkommission", (Philosophische Fakultät I, Universität Würzburg)

02/2010-10/2010: appointed member of the "Berufungskommission W2-American Cultural Studies"

06/2009-04/2010: appointed member of the "Berufungskommission W3 Amerikanistik"(Vorgezogene Wiederbesetzung – Nachfolge Prof. Dr. Jochen Achilles)

10/2009-2014: elected member of the Fakultätsrat (Departmental Executive Committee) (Philosophische Fakultät I, Universität Würzburg)

10/2008-2014: elected member on the Committee for the Distribution of Tuition Fees (Kommission zur Verteilung von Studiengebühren), University of Würzburg

03/2008-2014: English Department's delegate for the development of internationally standardized Bachelor's and Master's programs (Bologna process)