
Workshop 6

61st Annual Convention of the GAAS

Würzburg, June 12-15, 2014

Disaster Discourses

Christina Kannenberg (Konstanz)
"Rich Countries Wear Tattered Underwear": Narratives of the 1998 Montreal Ice Storm

Nadine Klopfer (München)
"Riding it out": New Orleans, Disasters, and a Sense of Place

Susann Köhler (Erlangen-Nürnberg)
After the Flood: Hurricane Katrina and the Politics of Ruin Photography

Mathilde Köstler (Mainz)
Ron Thibodeaux' Hell or High Water: How Cajuns Counter the Rita and Ike Amnesia

Adam Murphree (New York University)
Practical Theodicy after Hurricane Sandy: Ecological Impotence, Disaster Evangelism, and Other Christian Responses to Environmental Disaster in New York City


Florian Freitag
American Studies
An der Hochschule 2
D-76726 Germersheim